Glow On: Our Guide to Multilayer Skincare


During these standstill times we look toward the future with much uncertainty. As the days begin to blend into weeks, we occupy our time with new found hobbies, devouring Netflix and baking copious amounts. 


Over the past few weeks I've taken comfort in the routines that give me a sense of normalcy. As simple as this sounds, my skincare routine is one of them. Day and night I take comfort in the familiarity of this ritual. Even though our social schedules are non-existent, the need to wash our face prevails. 

With an abundance of free time comes the ability to focus on self care. Having a knockout skincare routine not only makes you feel absolutely lush, but is also important for your overall health. Your skin is a living organ and putting some care into it creates gorgeous and lasting results! 

Embarking on this journey it can seem incredibly overwhelming, but hey if you can bake a loaf of bread, you can do anything! This guide gives you an overview of the order that products should be used, insight into the benefits of each step and some tips and products we love. The realm of skincare is extensive, so view this guide as a stepping stone into its vast world, also who can say no to a post pandemic glow up?

Step 1: Remove Makeup 

First step! Remove that makeup. It is so important to wash our face, not doing so can result in a disruption of cell turnover. This can lead to premature aging, dullness in the skin and clogged pores, which can lead to acne and blackheads. 

We like to use the Garnier Micellar Water everyday makeup removal or the Farmacy Cleansing Bomb for heavier makeup. These bind to the makeup and remove it without extensive rubbing and tugging at the skin. Another great alternative is coconut oil!


Step 2: Cleanse Skin 

Even if you are not wearing makeup, or have removed your makeup, it is still important to cleanse your skin. Throughout the day we sweat and are exposed to many environmental factors. By cleansing we wash our faces clean resulting in a fresh start, and who doesn't love that? 

This step is often referred to as “double cleansing”, as you've already washed away your makeup this step goes deeper. It removes every trace of unwanted gunk off your face, cleanses your pores and prepares your skin for the products that follow. 

We love a gentle cleanser like Cetaphil from your drugstore or Glossier Milky Jelly cleanser, which has an incredible texture and feel. You can buy different cleansers for different skin needs, however these are both gentle and versatile, which we love! 


Step 3: Exfoliation 

Exfoliation is important because it takes away old skin cells and promotes cell regeneration. In removing dead skin cells this allows your products to penetrate the skin more effectively and really pack a punch. 

There are different types of exfoliants, such as physical, acid, chemical and enzyme. It is important to spend time finding what works for you! There are also exfoliants that are safe to use each day, such as Pixi Glow Tonic - a cult favourite, which is an AHA that sloughs off dead skin cells. Physical exfoliants can be used but more sparingly and in general if you are more flakey, as they only affect the top layer of the skin. There are also exfoliant masks, which can be composed of any type of exfoliant. 

It is important to understand your skin type and find an exfoliant to suit your needs. This can seem like an uphill battle, but once discovered you will reap the rewards. 

Step 4: Masks 

Once exfoliated you can dive into masks. An important thing to understand about your skin is it is not a constant, just like our physical body sends us signals for what we need so does our skin. Sometimes you need extra moisture, sometimes you break out, sometimes your skin looks dull or is irritated. Identify what your skin needs and mask accordingly.

 You can also double mask! A general rule of thumb is to start with a mask that “solves a problem”, such as a clay mask to cleanse pores or an exfoliant to deeply purify skin. Then follow with a moisture mask for skin “recovery”. 

The next part is to choose your mask! From sheet masks, to tub masks, to fresh masks and overnight masks you have plenty of choice. 

We love moisturizing sheet masks, as the serum from the mask is penetrated into your skin and remains on the skin once the mask is discarded, giving you an extra boost. Tub masks are great to have on hand for their longer shelf life and like a friend are always there for you. We love the Philosophy Purity Mask. We take this on every trip because it’s ingredients, like salicylic acid, help defeat post flight skin nightmares. 

During quarantine fresh masks are harder to acquire but that doesn't mean you can't create your own. Ingredients like honey, plain Greek yogurt, avocados, oats and bananas are all skin savers. So why not make a smoothie for your face! 

A versatile mask we love is Midnight Paloma's Detox Mask. It comes as a powder that you mix with honey, yogurt or water. Each of these “mixes” have a unique added benefit along with the glorious ingredients of charcoal and rose the mask itself contains. It leaves you absolutely glowing and refreshed. I personally love mixing it with yogurt.

When it comes to masking and exfoliating a good rule of thumb is to exfoliate three times a week, use a moisture mask twice a week and a clay/purifying mask once a week. Again, this is not set in stone, analyze how your skin responds and move forth accordingly. 


Step 5: Toner 

Next up is toner! In the past toner has had a bad rep, as being abrasive and packed with alcohol, because, quite frankly it was. During our teen years we would tone our acne ridden skin with the expectation of “if it burns it's working!” *cue shudder here*

No more my friends! Toner is a vital part of your routine and is here to nourish and aid your skincare dreams. 

In a nutshell a toner further cleanses your skin and preps it for your serums, oils and moisturizer while nourishing your skin to pinpoint a certain need. These needs range from dehydration, aging, redness, acne, exfoliation, dullness to name a few. The list goes on and on. Identify what it is your skin needs and find a toner for that. You can also have multiple toners and use the one your skin needs most that day. 

As mentioned above we love Pixi Glow Tonic. It contains glycolic acid which exfoliates the skin and aids in cell turnover. Something more soothing is Lush Eau Roma Water, which contains rose and lavender. It is soothing and moisturizing. You can also use this as a facial spray throughout the day to keep that dewy look! 

Step 6: Serum 

Now, we have completely cleansed our face, toned and maybe did a mask or two. It is now time to nourish our skin with products that fully remain on the face. The first step in doing so is a serum. Now serum is incredibly important. Generally this can be looked over and we will hop, jump and skip to our moisturizer. Don't do this! This is not a sprint but instead a marathon and a good serum is a gift to your skin. 


You may be thinking, why is this so important? The reason we've put emphasis on this step is because a good serum is a chance to pinpoint an issue in your skin and deeply penetrate that problem. A serum is a concentrated product packed with active ingredients, is less diluted than a moisturizer and focuses its attention to one thing. The molecular makeup of a serum is also smaller, this means it can penetrate the epidermis, your outer layer of skin, more deeply and truly garner results. Exciting stuff kids! 

Once again, choose a serum based on your skin concerns and needs, be that anti-aging, hyperpigmentation or dehydration. You can also layer your serums! Use something moisturizing and something that targets a problem. It is important to do your research and make sure the active ingredients in your serums are complementary and don't cancel each other out. If you do find two active ingredients that aren't complementary then designate them for either day or night! 

We love Mad Hippie Vitamin C Serum, it has a nice texture and other ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ferulic acid and Konjac root. These ingredients promote Vitamin C’s incredible effects on anti-aging and discolouration all while hydrating and creating a protective barrier on the skin. The Ordinary is also an amazing place to find a serum. Their products are incredibly affordable and simplistic; highlighting active ingredients in a no-nonsense way. 

Step 7: Moisturizer 

Next is to moisturize. This is important as it creates a layer on your epidermis (outer layer of skin) to keep the great products you just applied safe and sound while protecting you from environmental stressors. A moisturizer is more so about the shield it creates and less about actually moisturizing. When choosing a moisturizer you must once again assess your skin needs. However you must also take into consideration its consistency, the current season and time of day it is being applied aka day or night. 

A thicker consistency is great during the winter and in colder climates as we are generally exposed to harsher environments and dehydration. During the day and in hotter climates a thinner consistency is ideal as we sweat and are more active. We are also applying SPF and makeup and generally want a moisturizer that seeps effortlessly into the skin. On the flip side a thicker consistency is good during the night as it has time to absorb and sit on the skin. 

We love Kate Somerville Goat Milk moisturizing cream and Cetaphil Daily Hydrating Lotion with hyaluronic acid for something gentle. La Roche Posay Hydraphase is also an excellent line, which includes a moisturizer with SPF 30 for day use! 

Step 8: Face Oil 

Lastly, you can use a facial oil. This product is similar to a serum in regards to its potency, however it's molecular makeup is bigger. This means it is the last to go on your face. Remember: smallest to largest. 

Oils are generally derived from plants and create a layer on your skin to retain moisture, which is important for all skin types. However not all oils are created equal. Essential oils are very harsh and irritating, so these are best reserved for scent and aromatherapy purposes. Instead, find face friendly oils such as jojoba, avocado and sweet almond to give your skin a nice big hug. 

The Ordinary is once again an amazing place to find an oil that suits your skin needs at an affordable price. We love their rosehip and squalene oil, both wonderful for moisture and anti-aging. 


There you have it! A crash course in a skincare routine and its importance. Remember, using a product once or doing this routine a couple times won't garner results. With skincare it is important to be persistent and you will see your skin change, patience is key. 

So, what are you waiting for? Go forth and glow!

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